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  • Writer's pictureJay Hall

So Long 2017, ‘Ello 2018

Updated: Aug 7, 2018

Well, another unexpected year has come and gone for me. As many of you know, 2016 was a nightmare. I was exposed to a scandal just because I cuss, lost my company, broke my back which actually happened in 2017 but within the year, and went through a messy public breakup. The only real highlight was Fear, which was barely a high point as I was in copious amounts of pain the entire time. Determined to end the year with positivity in hand, I moved back to my favourite place on earth (Vegas) to heal and skip another winter.

I had a few goals to start 2017; my resolutions were to not be hypocritical and spend more time with family. My health was going to be restored, my career would be put back on track, I would finish another book, stay single, and take on a passion project. Easy enough, right?

Today, on this final day of the year I can say I accomplished my goals. My resolution was a lofty one (as hypocrisy is a part of our daily lives and while we may not see it, a study shows we are hypocritical 18 times per day on average) but I did it. Sure, there were moments where I slipped but I actively corrected my course. A big one for me was to stop offering relationship advice that I would not take myself. We all do it, and we’re just hurting the people around us by taking that action.

In April and June, I spent more time with family than I have in a decade. My mom and I travelled together and lived it up in Vegas. I met family I had never met or hadn’t seen since I was a baby, and I saw my sister with my Calgary fam quite a bit. More time with my dad in 2018!

In regards to business, I took on a new partnership which is now starting to develop into an amazing project after many, many … many pitfalls. My agency is thriving and ended the year with a huge win, and our growth has been massive.

In 2018, I will finally release another book, which I finished in 2017. No Heroes hits book shelves in January worldwide. This is a book I am particularly proud of as it expanded my mind and created real ethical challenges for the reader.

Health wise, my back is almost 100%. In fact, I’d say I’m 99% healthy in that regard. While I may not be in the shape I want because of the surgeries, I have increased stamina, endurance, mental capacity, physical prowess, and for the first time in years I feel powerful when taking on a physical task. I roll, do yoga, ARX, and core workouts. I wasn’t the only one in my family to take their health seriously. After a MAJOR health issue, my mom looks and feels healthier than she had in years.

The passion project I took on was spoken word. I’m still not great but I had a lot of fun doing live reads and recording a couple of videos.

In regards to the last goal of staying single … oops. While I am not officially in a relationship, I am in the middle of a wicked romance. The evolution of my status in 2017 has been quite the ride, in fact. I met a woman in Vegas that opened my mind to the possibilities of strong women that don’t cheat and lie. Honestly, I was doubting that such a woman existed anymore. She gave way to another woman who opened me up to the possibility of a relationship again. Then, on the same night that I had to let go of her I met someone who changed everything.

To end the year I am dating a woman who defines the term. She has a career in which she is making a real difference in thousands of lives by the time she retires, is raising a son that by all accounts appears to be a gentleman, makes me laugh till I can’t breathe, accepts my odd behaviour, and most of all she lives life with a touch of kindness that is sorely missing from so many today. That coupled with the fact that she’s not a push over or a basket case, and I can’t help but feel like perhaps I finally got it right. There will be times that challenge us as there always are, but given what I have learned out there in the big, bad world of pairing up … Krystal is exactly what I’ve wanted and needed but could never find.

Some other highlights: many new friends in Vegas, Fear was a critical smash success this year, I finally got “in” at Palo Alto having worked on campus at Facebook and Google, and I did the dream North American drive up the 101 starting in Cali.

In 2018, I plan to bump up my testosterone and get into great shape with ARX, core building, and a 98% reduction in refined sugars + carbs. I will continue to build on my passion for spoken word and Krystal. My professional life will expand into areas that my company naturally develops, and I will finish my political book for online release. It is also a goal to get off this continent for a bit.

So here’s to a great new year for you and I. Try to focus on the good and stay positive. I went from nothing to everything in a year because of a simple understanding; the clock doesn’t stop ticking just because I’m having a bad day, week, month, or year. Eventually, with work and understanding it will always get better. Happy new year!


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